Madagascar Project Notice - Carbon Emissions Reduction Project In The Forest Corridor Ambositra-Vondrozo (COFAV), Madagascar,

Project Notice

PNR 24147
Project Name Carbon Emissions Reduction Project in the Forest Corridor Ambositra-Vondrozo (COFAV), Madagascar,
Project Detail The Ambositra-Vondrozo Forest Corridor (COFAV) is located in the southern half of the humid eastern forest biome of Madagascar and is a narrow strip approximately 300 km long that encompasses 285,800 ha of primary forest (MEF 2010a). COFAV is critically important for biodiversity as it represents one of Madagascar’s last remaining intact corridor that links areas of low, mid, and high altitude forest and allows for genetic connectivity of animal and plant populations. Over 800 species of plants and 300 species of animals have been identified in these forests, including 17 species of lemur, including two highly endangered species of bamboo lemur (Hapalemur aureus and Prolemur simus). Four species in the corridor are considered critically endangered. The Government of Madagascar, in collaboration with Conservation International (CI), developed the COFAV project to reduce deforestation and promote alternative livelihoods within the corridor, thus contributing to three important objectives: poverty alleviation; biodiversity conservation and increasing the resilience of natural resource dependent communities to climate change.
Funded By
Sector Agriculture, Forestry, Land Use
Country Madagascar , Eastern Africa
Project Value Plz Refer Document

Contact Information

Company Name Govt. of Madagascar, Direction Generale des Forets
Web Site

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