India Procurement News Notice - 67676

Procurement News Notice

PNN 67676
Work Detail In the heart of Rajasthan, a transformative movement is underway, altering the agricultural landscape through a project known as the Pradhan Mantri Kishan Urja Suraksha evam Uthan Mahabhiyan Scheme, or PM-KUSUM. This initiative focuses on enhancing energy independence for farmers by harnessing solar power, contributing significantly to India’s renewable energy goals. The scheme comprises several components, aiming to install solar power plants, solar-powered pumps, and solarize grid-connected agricultural pumps. Notably, the solarization of grid-connected pumps, referred to as Component-C, is particularly impactful. It involves installing solar power plants that can fulfill the energy requirements of multiple agricultural feeders. The project has seen widespread participation from Jodhpur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited (JdVVNL) among other regional power distribution companies. They’ve orchestrated competitive bidding processes to identify service providers for the installation of these solar plants. The scale of this initiative is vast, with numerous projects aiming to install substantial solar capacities across various regions. An innovative aspect of this initiative is the Saur Krishi Ajivika Yojna (SKAY), which facilitates the identification and leasing of land for solar plants. This platform connects farmers who own underutilized or barren lands with solar power developers. This setup not only helps in the faster implementation of solar projects but also provides a steady rental income to the landowners, creating a win-win situation. The implementation of these solar projects is supported by financial incentives from both the state and central governments, ensuring that the projects are economically viable for all stakeholders involved. The clear goal is to reduce the dependency on traditional power grids and promote the use of renewable energy sources, which are critical in today’s climate-stricken world. Moreover, the project embraces technological advancements such as remote monitoring systems to ensure efficient operation and maintenance of the solar plants. These systems help in real-time tracking of performance, further ensuring that the energy needs of the agricultural sector are met reliably and sustainably. The PM-KUSUM scheme is more than just an agricultural enhancement project; it’s a significant step towards achieving energy security, reducing carbon footprints, and empowering farmers in Rajasthan and beyond. Through such initiatives, renewable energy not only becomes a tool for environmental conservation but also a catalyst for socio-economic development in rural areas.
Country India , Southern Asia
Industry Energy & Power
Entry Date 25 May 2024

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