India Procurement News Notice - 67401

Procurement News Notice

PNN 67401
Work Detail In a recent decision, a solar energy company in Chhattisgarh has been allowed to connect to the regional power grid without the requirement of a dedicated feeder, a move that could streamline operations and reduce costs. This approval came from the Chhattisgarh State Electricity Regulatory Commission following a detailed review of the company’s application and the conditions set by local power distribution and transmission companies. The company, Hind Multi Services Private Limited, which has set up a 3.15 MW solar project, is looking to utilize this energy primarily for its operations at a coal washery in the region. This setup intends to inject the generated solar power into the state grid and then draw it as needed for its local operations. This arrangement would typically require a dedicated feeder to manage the transfer of power directly between the generation point and the usage point. However, the regulatory authority has granted an exemption, allowing the company to use existing infrastructure which could lead to significant cost savings and operational efficiencies. The decision was based on various technical submissions and assurances from the company, including commitments to install advanced metering infrastructure to ensure precise measurement and management of electricity flows. Additionally, the company has agreed to not hold the power providers liable for any service interruptions that may occur, which are common in scenarios where power is shared among multiple users on the same infrastructure. Local power entities, Chhattisgarh State Power Distribution Company Limited and Chhattisgarh State Power Transmission Company Limited, both supported the company’s application, acknowledging that the technical solutions proposed by the company meet the regulatory requirements for such an arrangement. They emphasized that the setup would still ensure reliable service and compliance with all relevant guidelines for power distribution and transmission. This decision is part of a broader trend where regulatory bodies are accommodating innovative approaches to energy management, especially in leveraging renewable energy sources. By allowing more flexible connections to the grid, regulators are supporting the expansion of renewable energy projects, which is critical for meeting regional and national energy sustainability goals. This move also highlights the evolving nature of energy infrastructure management, where traditional requirements such as dedicated feeders can be reconsidered in light of technological advancements and operational strategies that ensure system stability and efficiency. It is an example of how regulatory flexibility can facilitate the growth of renewable energy sectors, contributing to a more sustainable and economically efficient power landscape.
Country India , Southern Asia
Industry Energy & Power
Entry Date 23 May 2024

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