Lithuania Procurement News Notice - 26310

Procurement News Notice

PNN 26310
Work Detail The purpose of the seminar is to familiarize novice users of the Central Procurement Information System (CVP IS) with the capabilities and auctioning of CVP IS. Target group - Procurers. Location of the seminar - the seminar will take place at the Public Procurement Office premises at Kareiviu str. 1, Vilnius (Room 612) The date of the seminar is 2019. November 26 Seminar topics: 1. Introductory CVPIS training (primer) (beginning at 9:00 am., Duration 1 hr. 20 min.) 2. Publication of the survey execution CVP IS (primer) (beginning at 10:30 am., Duration 1 hour 30 min.) 3. Conducting the auction via CVP IS (start time 1:00 pm, duration 1 hour) Each part of the seminar can register 60 participants, 2 participants from one organization. Participants can register for 1, 2 or 3 parts of the workshop and register for each part separately. Parts 1 and 2 of the seminar are for beginners only. The form must include the name of the organization, telephone number, email address. email address. name and surname. Successful registration must be confirmed by automatic notification to the email specified in the registration. The seminars are free. Participant registration form (registration only online). * Note - successful registration is confirmed by automatic notification to the email specified in your registration. For inquiries call: (8 5) 219 7006 or email. Email: If you have signed up but due to changed circumstances you will not be attending the seminar, please let us know by the same email as early as possible. email or phone.
Country Lithuania , Northern Europe
Industry Information Technology
Entry Date 15 Jan 2020

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