Tenders Are Invited For Consultancy Services For Design And Supervision For Sewer, Te Networks Systems And Stp At Sur Tender Fee (Ro): Ro 1500/-(Plus 5% Vat) Non-Refundable Floated Date: 26-Sep-24 08:37:40 Last Date To Purchase: 03-Oct-24 00:00:00 Bid Submission Date: 04-Nov-24 15:00:00 Preparation Of Designs, Tender Documents And To Engage Procurement & Construction (Pc) Contractor For Implementation Phase In Accordance With Nws (Owwsc) Design Manuals, Standard Details, Requirements, Specifications, Procedures And Polices Etc. Tender Link : Https://Nws.Nama.Om/En-Us/Business-With-Us/Nws_Tender/Nws-Tender-Floated
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