Tenders are invited for Provision of Security Services at Reservoir Sites and Hydrology Sub-Office (Rose Hill). The Ministryof Energy and Public Utilities(Water Resources Commission)is inviting bids from eligible and qualified local service providers for the Provision of Security Servicesat Reservoir Sites and Hydrology Sub-Office (Rose Hill) through the Government eProcurement System. 1. Bidding documentsmay be downloaded from the eProcurement Systemhttps://eproc.publicprocurement.govmu.org. Reference number on the system: PUBLICUTILITIES/IFB/2025/372 2. Bids must be submitted online on the e-Procurement System at latest as per Key Activity Schedule. 3. Bidders who have submitted bids online by the closing date and time shall decrypt and re-encrypt theirbids as per Key Activity Schedule. 4. The bid validity period shall be one hundred and twenty (120) days afterthe deadline set for bidsubmission as per Key Activity Schedule 5. Bids will be opened online in the presence of the bidders representatives who choose to attend at the address given hereunder as per Key Activity Schedule. ConferenceRoom, Ministry of Energy and Public Utilities, Level 6,Air Mauritius Centre, President John Kennedy Street, Port Louis 6. Clarifications may be requested not later than 14 days prior to the deadline for submission of bids. The Employer will reply to all queries online not later than seven (7) days prior to the bid submission date. 7. A pre-bid meeting and site visit is scheduled on 24th January 2025 at 10hrs at Midlands Dam.The venue shall be the Midlands Dam entrance gate on Dubreuil Branch Road (B108). After the pre-bid meeting and site visit at Midlands Dam, site visit will be carried out at Mare aux Vacoas Reservoir, La Ferme Reservoir and Hydrology Sub Office (Rose Hill).Bidders are requested to arrange their own means of transport preferably by 4 x 4 vehicle. 8. The Ministry of Energy and Public Utilities (Water Resources Commission) reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and to annul the bidding process and reject all bids at any time prior to award of the Contract, without thereby incurring any liability to any Bidder. Tender Link : https://eproc.publicprocurement.govmu.org/search?searchType=normalSearch
Contact Information
ConferenceRoom, Ministry of Energy and Public Utilities, Level 6,Air Mauritius Centre, President John Kennedy Street, Port Louis
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