Quotation are Invited for Fire Alarm Modification Works Fire Alarm Modification Works in Polchsng 132kv substation .relocation of Manual Release Station Modules in Capacitor Bank Rooms 1,2& 3 at Polchsng 132kv Dewa substation.scope of Work Includes Supply, Installation, Reprogramming and Testingof Monitor Modules and Fir E-Resistant Cable for the Subject works.removal of Cable Terminations from the Existing Devices. Removal Ofexisting Micc Cables. Ins Tallation of New Fire Rated Cables between Theexternal Manual Release Station and the Module inside the building.performing Ir Test of Cables. Installation of New Devices. Reprogrammingin the Fire Alarm Panel. Testing & Commissioning of Newly Installeddevices in a Ll Three Capacitor Bank Rooms. Only Notifier Usa Approvedlocal Agents will be Considered for the Work Standard Terms & Conditions 1) Prices should be Ddp Delivery Duty Paid at Dewa Stores. 2) Quotation to be Submitted only in Local Currency u.a.e Dirhams 3) Dewa Standard Payment Terms is 30 Days Credit from the Date of Acceptance of Material 4) No Dewa Staff or His or Her Relatives up to Third Degree should have Ownership or Partnership in Your Company, and Your Participation in Dewa Tenders / Rfqs should not Constitute a Conflict or Perceived Conflict of Interest. Supplier Registration: Https://srm.dewa.gov.ae/Irj/Portal/Anonymous/Regis Tender Link : https://srm.dewa.gov.ae/sap/opu/odata/sap/ZSRM_RFX_REG_BID_SRV/AttachmentSet(2332500164)/$value
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