Medical Gases – Framework Agreement For The Supply Of Medical Gases. 1 Acetylene 1.1 Acetylene Min Qty Cs 4 Max Qty Cs 72 Min Qty Ac 6 Max Qty Ac 144 1.2 Compressed Nitrogen Min Qty Cs 1 Max Qty Cs 5 Min Qty Ac 2 Max Qty Ac 10 1.3 Liquid Nitrogen Min Qty Cs 2700 Qty Max Cs 48000 Min Quantity Ac 4000 Max Quantity Ac 96,000 1.4 Rental Of Liquid Nitrogen Containers Min Quantity Cs 200 Max Quantity Cs 4000 Min Quantity Ac 300 Max Quantity Ac 8,000 1.5 Biogon C Min Quantity Cs 80 Max Quantity Cs 1500 Min Quantity Ac 125 Quantity Max Ac 3,000 1.6 Rental Of Technical Gas Cylinders (Acetylene, Nitrogen, Biogon) Min Quantity Cs 1100 Max Quantity Cs 21000 Min Quantity Ac 1750 Max Quantity Ac 42,000 1.7 Argon 4.8(99,998%)Minimum Purity Min Quantity Cs 1 Max Quantity Cs 5 Min Quantity Ac 2 Max Quantity Ac 10
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